

Win 95 crash 47.2kb


32 dohs 58kb

doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh


Beans 127kb


Sir robin Rans Away 57.6lb


Company policy to give you the plague 21.7kb

 It's company policy to give you the plague


Killing Barnay 46.9kb

 I love you, you love me we're a happy family bang bang shut the fuck up bang


Duck Job 144kb


Elmber Fudd 188kb


Fuck Description 544kb


Fuck You All 20kb

 Oh fuck you fuck the lot of you fuck you all


Hand Grenade 65.7kb


Intel Crash 41.3kb


Maximise Crash 40.3kb


Lumber Jack 565kb


Scoobydo 132kb


Sex on the Television 35.6kb


Shut the Fuck up 13kb

 Is it possible for you to shut the fuck you for 10 sec


Strangling John Denver 84.1kb

You come on my pillow dddddddiiiiiiiiiiiii 

Star Trekking 3.23MB Zipped file


Wearing swearing removed from broadcast 215kb